To celebrate our 21st year of "mawwage," we decided to add a new
BABY to our household. Yes, you read that correctly. We didn't have to wait nine months to get her, either. She weighs in at a hefty 14 pounds and is from Italy. She's only been with us one day, and she's already fitting in.
Don't get all excited! We have not added a 4th Smithling, but we do have a new Gaggia Baby. It's an espresso machine, not a real baby. Real babies are fun, but they cannot make espresso drinks.

She's sooo photogenic! Say, "Latte!"
We experienced a bit of a bitter disappointment with the first machine we purchased -- a Sirena, designed by BMW & made by Saeco for S-bucks. We got it on sale right after Christmas, so it seemed like a good deal. What a sleek machine! "She" looked lovely on my kitchen counter, but I was interested in something more than good looks. Sirena was NOT cooperative & wouldn't heat up. We couldn't prime the pump. Nothing. Dead. We exchanged it for another one. The 2nd "Mermaid" didn't work either, even with three technically proficient people actually reading the directions. (Frequently, instruction manuals are tossed aside at our house, as we all like the challenge of making things work without the mundane task of actually reading directions.) I was just about ready to box #2 Sirena up, when I tried a few things which actually resuscitated her. She brewed a few really good cups o' espresso, but then I couldn't get the silly thing to make steamed milk. Talk about temperamental... Who, me? Or the beastly machine? I was getting steamed. Well, not really. This kind of stuff doesn't make me angry, but I do want it resolved as quickly as possible. I calmly donned my
consumer affairs hat, and negotiated the return of the unwanted item. (See, that B.S. degree from Purdue does get put to use.) The manager at Star$$$ really didn't want to have to refund my money. She assured me that they have never had any other espresso makers returned, but I'm not sure I'm believing that one. She tried to get me to exchange #2 for the "3rd-time's-a-charm" special, but we were not interested. I think my very pleasant-yet-determined stance worked. Who says that nice guys (gals) finish last?
As we were searching for technical support, I read several scathing reviews (on-line) regarding this particular model. Other folks seemed to have the same woes that we experienced. It was time to start from the very beginning, a very good place to start.
After thoroughly researching several brands & models, we next decided to get a Gaggia from
Whole Latte Love. I like their punny name. Although it took a while for the delivery, it was worth the labor of waiting. Our "New Baby" is a keeper. I am learning to speak Italian so she understands me. She contentedly gurgles & froths milk, and she can make a mean cup o' joe, too. We are communicating just fine.
So, if you do not hear from me or see me for a while, you will know where to find me. I'm in the kitchen where I'm going to be practicing pulling the perfect shot with just the right crema. I doubt if I'll give up my day job to become a barista at the local coffee house anytime soon. And don't worry 'bout me -- I won't be experiencing a caffeine high as a result of all my practice, as we are an unleaded household. Let's see... a double shot, skinny, decaf. latte; light on the foam, but add the whip? Nah -- I'll take the plain ol' boring decaf. Americano.