Thursday, August 18, 2011

Showers of Blessing

Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward. -Psalm 127:3

Baby Gianna, our newest neighbor girlie, was showered with love, hugs, kisses, and some very nice presents as we all welcomed her to the 'hood. We have wonderful neighbors, so it is always a pleasure to get to spend time with everyone. And it's always fun to snuggle/cuddle a new bebĂ©.

 Thomson Triplets

 Gianna enjoyed visiting with each and every neighbor.
This baby girl has great interpersonal skills at an early age. ;-)

 Nothing Bundt Cake's carrot cake soon disappeared.

Decorating cupcakes may be fun, but eating the finished product is even better.

The "Denerest" (Denali + Everest) Ladies

 Paula had a lot of help with unwrapping the gifts, so it didn't take long to open all of the packages.

 Judy enjoyed taking her turn at holding Gianna. 

 Liesey and Elena smiled for the camera.

I waited patiently and finally got to have my turn snuggling a sweet baby girl. Oh, if only babies stayed this way  -- not for forever -- but for longer than they do!

I am not really sure what Miss Katie is up to here.
I'm not even sure she knows what she's doing!

 This trio is nothing but trouble -- not!

As I was cleaning up after the party, I opened the china cabinet to store some of our serving pieces. I returned to the kitchen to get a second armload of stuff and left the cabinet door ajar.  On my return trip, this is what I found. You can see from the photo that Maine Coons are helpers. Some help, huh?!  I suppose that I should be grateful that Jemima didn't want to help me wash the dishes. Cats!