During the past year, we rescued two bears, Harwood and Norwood, from a grizzly situation at Costco. They were homeless and as hungry as a...well...you-know-what.
Actually, we learned that these two don't eat much. It seems they are always stuffed. (Groan.)
One bear is Liesey's and the other is Millie's. The two 'Woods are living in the lap of luxury now.
Don't feed the bears!
Beverages are okay.
Our warm and fuzzy friends make perfect pillows to use on the floor to watch TV. Norwood and Harwood are also popular with the neighbor kids, so the bears get quite a few visitors.
Bear hugs!
Q: What do you get if you cross a bear and a harp?
A: A bear-faced lyre!
A bear walks into a bar and says to the bartender, "I would like a gin............. ............................................................................................and tonic."
The bartender says, "What's up with the big pause?"
The bear replies, "I've had them all my life."
Oh, I simply cannot bear another silly joke.
Say, "Honey!"
Cheese is overrated.