Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Indiana, Oklahoma, Washington, & California are all the states that the 5 members of the Smithling clan claim as their home states, so we thought that we should combine the abbreviations of each state name to create a new name that represents our family. It's unique. It's silly. It's INOKWACA, the name of our blog. :-)

A long time ago, I stated (quite emphatically!) that I'd never homeschool; however, this is our 8th year of doing just that. I also once said that I'd never ever scrapbook, and now I have countless albums bulging with memories, whether creative, or not. I also said that I'd never blog -- I don't have time for that! Soooooo, here I am sitting at the computer ready to share my random ramblings. I guess I'm going to have to stop saying that there are things I will not do or try.

Today's entry will have to be brief, as there is "factoring" to be done -- I just love 4th grade math! We are trying to cram as much school work in before Thursday gets here. The Hoosier grandparents are due to arrive Thursday afternoon. We will be taking a few days off, here & there, to enjoy our company. (G-ma & G-pa T. will be in CA & WA for about 18 days. Yippee!) In the coming weeks, there will be busyness with Nutcracker rehearsals & performances, regularly scheduled dance classes, Thanksgiving, & other day-to-day activities, so we are excited about taking some well-deserved time off from the books. Education can come in other more "creative" forms, right?!

One last comment... I chose to include our family's all-time favorite Scripture passage, Philippians 4:4-9, to share with you on this site. Over the years, these verses have encouraged, strengthened, and carried us through many a trial. These words apply in almost every situation. May you, too, be encouraged by these words!

I'll yackatcha later...