Sunday, November 1, 2009

It's a BOO-tiful Night in this Neighborhood...

...A beautiful "night" for a neighbor.
Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?...

Are you singing along? I am! I can almost hear Mister Rogers singing this modified version of his well-known opening theme song. ;-)

Now, where was I? Oh, I remember. Neighbor!
Our Raleigh Court neighbors gathered 'round the firepit to enjoy one another's company. Liesey & I were late to the unofficial All Saint's Eve neighborhood bash, due to a Ballet Rejoice engagement. Her Christian dance company got to "perform" at a Fall Carnival at a local church along with Paradosi, a professional ballet company. There was a lot going on this evening!

We had a great time hanging out in our 'hood. We love our neighbors! There is a lot of laughter when this group assembles. :-) Naturally, we had to perform (repeated?) quality control tests on the treats that were being handed out to Trick or Treaters. We also watched the first "Pirates" movie at the Raleigh Ct. Garage Door Theater. The entire court contingent was out late, since we were promised an extra hour of sleep. (It would be nice to add an extra hour of sleep every weekend!)

See the pictures, complete with descriptions:

Sydney, Alyssa, and Millie awarded prizes to the most creatively carved gourds on the court. The first place ribbons are certainly creative, too!

Janet & Katie

Larry & Bobbie

Mitchell & his scary looking friends made an appearance.

Charles & Janet

Referees Jeff & Paula and their lil' football

The gentlemen of Raleigh Court

The Girly-girls

We will certainly miss the genuine camaraderie of the Raleigh Court residents, but we are hopeful that we will find good neighbors in Texas.

Ah... there is news from the Lone Star State that I should share. In the afternoon, we received a call from our Texas Realtor, Al. He shared with us that our counter offer on a brand-spankin' new (yet-to-be-built) home in Keller was accepted. No tricks -- just treats!

We are amazed at how the details all came together -- further evidence that God is in control. The earnest $ has been sent, and the builder (Drees) will be sending blueprints for review & other paperwork for us to sift through. A lot of the preliminary "stuff" will have to be accomplished long-distance. We hope to make a trip to TX within the next month to begin the process of selecting cabinets, flooring, paint colors, lighting, & other options. The house will not be completed until July 2010. All of our furniture will be stored until we move in the new house. While we wait for the house to be completed, will be living at a good friend's home in Keller -- yet another amazing blessing! We will have plenty o' room for visitors in the new house. Hint. Hint. Start making plans for a Texas trek.

The REALLY hard part comes next -- planting a "For Sale" sign in our yard will make for a difficult/emotional day. :-( We hope to get our CA house on the market within the next week, or two. There are sooo many little details to attend to, but we are checking things off of the list one by one.

Stay tuned for more updates.