Sunday, September 8, 2013

What's Wrong with a Little Sax and Violins Now and Then?

We got dressed up and headed out for a healthy dose of culture in downtown Cow Town. (This was an early birthday present for our middle child -- not the dressing up part; the going to the symphony part!)

Oh, how we love the symphony! Despite the fact that the conductor threw a tempo tantrum, and the violinists were fiddling around, it was a lovely way to spend the afternoon.

Sorry about the bad puns. I must scale back, because it only leads to treble. :-P

My parting shots are of the Bass angels or heralds. Winged trumpeters? 
They are really BIG and impressive looking -- from any angle. Any angel?
I think that these two ginormous seraphs, are really cool looking; however, just to be on the safe side, I never close my eyes as I enter Bass Hall.
 Don't blink.
(The maybe-not-so-obvious nod goes to Dr. Who.)