Thankfully, our youngest daughter is not driving us CrAzY as she takes her turn in the driver's seat.
I cannot imagine what it would be like for a fifteen-year-old to have to learn to operate a motor vehicle in the DFW metro area, alongside millions of other drivers. There are days it's really difficult for us more seasoned drivers to navigate the highways of the Metroplex. Add inclement weather, detours, road construction, lots of traffic, and a few too many jerks, and there is never a dull moment.
Formal behind-the-wheel instruction has officially begun at our local driving school. I managed to snap a few pictures from the very first lesson without embarrassing the students. See?
Wait! That's not the right picture.
Here's the right one.
Our girlie looks like a natural behind the wheel. We are thankful that "Coach" is an excellent, experienced, demanding, yet patient instructor. This driving instructor brings new meaning to the term autocorrect.
Millie and Mak automatically look good standing next to the fleet of hamstermobiles. You might even say that this duo has got Soul. Or maybe not. I'd say that. I DID say that, but bad puns tend to roll off my lips when I speak and fly off of my fingertips as I type.
Okay, I'll stop now.
Of course, we LOVE Carroll Watkins Driving School. Our middle child has been working there for several years as a receptionist/secretary/assistant. And now she can add model employee to her résumé. Liesey got to pose for the Yellow Pages advertisement. No, she is not dressed as a hamster!