Saturday, April 19, 2014

Say "Cheese!"

It is next to impossible to get our large-ish family together for a family photo shoot. There were a few faces absent, but here's what we got:

Three-fourths of the Houston Thompsons were present and accounted for. Yay!

 There was 100% participation from the AZ Birds.

Seven out of the nine Thompson grandkids got to pose next to their "pretty"grandpa. 

 All eyes are looking at the camera AND people are smiling. Remarkable.

We may have been missing the St. Louis boys, but the "Gateway to the West" girls still found something to smile about.

We Smiths are definitely not "out standing" in our field -- we are sitting and squatting!

The Washingtonians certainly are looking well. (Sorry. I just had to get one more bad pun in...)