Saturday, July 18, 2009

Christmas in July?!

It certainly would appear that way.

The Smith girls and Jenny represented Placer Theatre Ballet this week at a well-attended storytime event at the downtown Roseville Public Library. Liesey read an "Angelina Ballerina" book as well as the Nutcracker story to a captive audience of children ranging in age from 3-8.

Jenny taught a mini ballet class to the willing participants in the audience. Cute!

The ballerinas taught the children several dance positions, but the most popular activity for three little girls was touching the fringe on the Chinese tutu! Who knew that a costume would steal the show? :-)

Party Girl, Chinese, and Reed Flute

Auditions for Nutcracker are in a month, so it looks like we'll have Christmas in August, too. And then there will be CHRISTmas in September, October, November, and December (with rehearsals & performances and the traditional Dec. 25th celebration). Let the fun begin.